
Bouquet of the week: sunny and bright

This week’s bouquet selection is such a delight! A modern bouquet with a Biedermeier-esque feel, this arrangement is bright and lively using sunshine yellow Billy Balls, tomato red and yellow tulips and bright green hypericum berries.

You may have already seen these yellow, “Billy Ball” flowers at weddings you have attended or in vintage/rustic weddings featured on wedding blogs. What I like about the use of Billy Balls in this particular bouquet is that this flower, which is usually associated with vintage or rustic weddings, is used in a modern fashion thanks to the styling and design.

Sweet Stylings Tip:
Don’t be afraid to use flowers that can be associated with a certain style and incorporate them into your own style — maybe you are a vintage-y bride that wants Billy Balls in a bouquet of greenery and wildflowers…but then again, maybe not. Always ask your floral designer to see how they can incorporate a must-have flower into your unique style.

yellow billy ball bouquet with tulips

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Evelyn Clark Weddings is a Calgary, Alberta based wedding planning and design company that caters to couples who are planning their classically elegant and stylishly bold wedding at upscale venues in Calgary, Banff, Canmore, Lake Louise and beyond.

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