
Bouquet of the week: modern pink and red

I don’t remember where I learned this from, but when I was younger, it was common knowledge that you were never supposed to wear pink and red together because the two colours “clashed” (fashion rules from the 80s/90s made by children are, naturally, to be taken very seriously). Obviously, we have learned a lot since then because I think red and pink go perfectly well together as they are from the same colour family. This bouquet is a perfect example of how wonderful pinks and reds go together to create a bold, modern wedding style statement.

Sweet Stylings Tip:
Consider a monochromatic colour scheme for a bright, modern bouquet. This bouquet is very bold, but clean, with hearty roses and hydrangeas in distinct sections, but with a few scattered anemones for interest: this design could be a little choppy looking, but it works because the pinks and reds are all at a similar saturated value.

pink and red bridal bouquet

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Evelyn Clark Weddings is a Calgary, Alberta based wedding planning and design company that caters to couples who are planning their classically elegant and stylishly bold wedding at upscale venues in Calgary, Banff, Canmore, Lake Louise and beyond.

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